I am really worried that when I come back to Puerto Rico after living in another country for a couple of years, it will be a different place. I know that everything is destined to change, but that is not what I am talking about. Changes in the Puerto Rican society do not come and go in response to a developing society, they are impose by a very small economic group that are in power. It's a shame that when we hear the stories from our grandparents of how was Puerto Rico before it became a excessive consumerist society, they seem like some stories that happened a long long time ago that do not form part of what we are today; the fairy tales of the Puerto Rican culture. The sense of community that was so important for us is in extreme danger of extinction. It's funny how people nowadays prefer to be in a digital world than interact with their neighbors, prefer to be in a shopping than going to the beach, prefer to buy the ultimate model of cell phones and cars than to feed to young ones, prefer to be a work force than an thinking society, prefer to be one and only than a whole community. I don't really know what has really happen to my family, all those Puerto Ricans that don't care about what happen to ourselves, to themselves. I would love to see my culture bloom. I would love to see the beaches shine. I would love to see the family that have long forgot their relatives come together as one, one voice, one culture, one society with a variety of opinions. This little island in the Caribbean is bigger than we think and is capable of producing magic and happiness to it's children. I would like to speak to my children in present tense about how Puerto Rico is a great place to live in and grow as a living intelligent being. My Puerto Rico can be real and you, are you living this reality with me? Think about it and prosper.

I have seen that what is happening to Puerto Rico is not something that is  local, it is happening in an international level. I have read about how many communities in the United States and Europe and experiencing the same feelings of detachment from one another. Therefore, I have come to understand that one of the major factor promoting this type of behavior is technology. People are so dependable of technology that they opt to chose to send a text message than to have a real conversation, use the car instead of walking to the store that is just 5 minutes away from the house, not talk instead of screaming for justice. I know that eliminating technology is not an option either, but I think that if people start using more real words, speak to each other, feel each other, this little place that we call home would feel like a more complete community, a real family.

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