I have had may good and bad Valentine's Days, but there are some I particularly remember, sometimes with a smile on my face and sometimes with shame. In 2004, I liked a girl named Ingrid. I prepared this speech that I gave in front of the whole Ebglish Class at school, I gave her a box of chocolate, and a teddy bear. I was scared as hell, but I did it. The thing is that at the end of that day she told me that she only wanted to be my friend. What really happened was that she liked one of my friends, so the next day she was holding hands with him in school, and I was super heart broken . . .Worst Valentine ever. In other case, the best Valentine's Day that I had was when some of my friends and I went together to have lunch. That was really the most special Valetine's Day of my whole life . . . with my friends.

It is very easy to choose the worst romantic music that exist: (1) all the reaggaeton love songs, (2) Luis Fonsi. I really hate reggaeton love songs because they try to be romantic by denigrating women . . . good luck with that. And Luis Fonsi only makes me want to puke; he doesn't know how to write and he doesn't know to sing . . .PERIOD
El amor es una magia...
una simple fantasía...
es como un sueño...
que al fin lo encontré...
es como una luz...
que se esparce por el alma...
y recorre como el agua...
hasta que llena el corazón...

y va creciendo y creciendo
como nubes en el cielo
dando vueltas por el mundo
es increíble
así es el amor
y al fin lo encontré

y va creciendo y creciendo
como nubes en el cielo
dando vueltas por el mundo
es increíble
así es el amor
y al fin lo encontré

el amor te ciega
aunque a veces te engaña
el amor es pureza
si es que alguien tu amas
el amor te atrapa
y del nunca escaparás
sólo tienes que aprender amar, amar

el amor te ciega
aunque a veces te engaña
el amor es pureza
si es que alguien tu amas
el amor te atrapa
y del nunca escaparás
sólo tienes que aprender amar, amar

y va creciendo y creciendo
como nubes en el cielo
dando vueltas por el mundo
es increíble
así es el amor
y al fin lo encontré

y va creciendo y creciendo
como nubes en el cielo
dando vueltas por el mundo
es increíble
así es el amor
y al fin lo encontré

el amor te ciega
aunque a veces te engaña
el amor es pureza
si es que alguien tu amas
el amor te atrapa
y del nunca escaparás
sólo tienes que aprender amar, amar

el amor te ciega
aunque a veces te engaña
el amor es pureza
si es que alguien tu amas
el amor te atrapa
y del nunca escaparás
sólo tienes que aprender amar, amar

el amor es una magia...
una simple fantasía...
es como un sueño...
que al fin lo encontré...
es como una luz...
que se esparce por el alma...
y recorre como el agua...
hasta que llena el corazón...

Quién te dijo que yo me olvide de ti,
que me duermo tranquilo y jamás sueño contigo?
¿que pasé de todo, quién te dijo eso?
si cuando el cielo se enfurece vienes vestida de lluvia
y cuando el sol desaparece llegas plateada de luna
¿quién te dijo que yo ya no pienso en ti,
que es historia pasada el amor que me dabas?
¿que pasé de todo, quien te dijo eso?
si cuando el viento entra los gritos reconozco tus palabras
y cuando el fuego va apagándose tu cuerpo se me escapa
¿quién te dijo eso?
no les creas que ya no te quiero
¡ay cuánto, cuánto te mintieron!
¿quién te dijo eso?
si me queda una casa vacía
si me falta un pedazo de cielo
¿ay quién te dijo eso?
¿quién te dijo que yo no luché por ti,
que bajé los brazos dejando entrar al fracaso?
¿que pasé de todo, quién te dijo eso?
si estoy quemándome en el hielo traicionero de tu frío
si de tanto que te lloro como un loco me rio
¿quién te dijo eso?
no les creas que ya no te quiero
¡ay cuánto cuánto te mintieron!
¿quién te dijo eso?
si me queda casa vacía
si me falta un pedazo de cielo
Se me acorta la vida
se me muere la esperanza
ya no puedo hacer nada
nada me alcanza
yo solamente quisiera que el mundo no te mintiera
y supieras que estoy deseperado
como un pez que se ahoga en su propio mar
¿quién te dijo eso?
no les creas que ya no te quiero
¡ay cuánto, cuánto te mintieron!
¿quién te dijo eso?
si me queda una casa vacía
si me falta un pedazo de cielo
Ay quién te dijo eso?

Two particar romantic songs that I really like are "Faithfully" (Journey) and many Puerto Rican boleros, especially the ones from Bobby Capó.

The challenges faced by the education system.

Should culture be an integral part of the educational system?
The importance of extracurricular activities in school.

In today's society, the educational system faces a lot of challenges. It's funny how when a very difficult situation is address nowadays it's denominated as a challenge. But, much more than a challenge, today's educational system is in a big CRISIS. Come to think of it, almost all of the government’s systems are in disaster. In this first part of the XXI century, when the American government needs to cut money somewhere, it seems they prefer to go for the health system, the education system, and increment our taxes. In addition to the money problems, the education system itself is a little outdated; a system design to produce people that learn the same things can't produce different results. I think that this system was design to fit the times that people needed to be educated fast to produce a competitive workforce, but nowadays the world is so globalized that it's always in constant change. The value that a High School education had 20 years ago is not the same as today. With that being said, we can't forget that with the constant cut in the educational budget, the ones that are being affected are the young people who are going to run this country in the future.

That is why it is essential culture forms an integral part of the educational system. We often forget that our first education was culture and without culture there can't by any civilized society. Traditions in culture differ throughout the whole world, therefore, the creation of a curriculum that leave aside culture is destined to produce human machines that will work without a real reason. The other I saw a very interesting phrase that got my attention, "EARTH WITHOUT ART IS JUST EH". This resumes many of the points that I am trying to bring here, without culture we will not be a civilized society, just a work force. If we want a really complete education, we have to foment the practice of extracurricular activities in school. By doing different activities, we promote the development of different points of view through other activities outside the classroom. The world is too big to be educated in a room with 4 walls; we can't forget that we are being educated to create a better world for ourselves and for the future.

When I hear the word RESEARCH, I just happen to remember all those long long long nights reading and looking at the computer. Sometimes I like to do research and sometime I don't. It really depends of what type of information I am looking for. If I would choose a random topic to do research on, it would be "How is the fermentation process reflected on many of the Puerto Rican plates and drinks?”. This is a very interesting topic because there isn't a lot of information about it. I would treat this type of research as if it were a detective case where I would go and look for information on the streets. The art of fermentation is a practice that has been passed for generations and I think it is very important to not let it be forgotten.

When I look at this topic from another point of view, it s very important to have in mind that we should not to do research just to do research. I really don't like do research on topics that will not help or improve our knowledge as human beings. Many researchers do research on useless topics because, in some cases, the academic world requires them to do so. Many universities have some requisites for the teaching personnel, and that is to do and publish research. It is not a bad to do research. What I don't like of some researches is that they forget to connect that research with the interactions that happen in the real world.

When I was admitted to the University of Puerto Rico I didn't really know what I wanted to study. I got accepted to the major that I requested admission for, ACCOUNTING. During my first two semester in college, I realized that the career that I would never ever consider to study was the one that I was studying, thus I decided to follow my heart and change to Humanities. If I had not study Literature, I would have study Environmental Science. I really don't know why I did not choose this path, maybe laziness. The real thing is that even though I didn't study this field of science, all of my extracurricular activities are related in some point to that field of study that I didn't choose.

The result of the carrer test that I took in the website, www.carrertest.net, tells me that I am an ISFP: "Artist". I totally agree with the description of the artist because I tend to thrust everybody and sometimes I get really hurt, and my planning skills really sucks. I love to express ideas through action. That is why I love Theater and Drama. I have already worked in some of the possible jobs in their lists, bookkeeper, landscaper designer, and gardener.

There are a lot of famous environmentalist, but two that have had my attention are Chico Mendez and Vandana Shiva.